More inspiration and motivation.
Less employee indifference.

Meet Rendezvous, a voice of the customer platform that integrates consumer research with professional audio production to deliver compelling storytelling podcasts that instill deeper employee connection to the customer, the mission, and one another.

Olivia, on the topic of Women’s Health.

15 minutes
per week

for employees to

  • connect with customer stories

  • give more meaning to their work

  • re-engage with the mission

  • connect with one another

The Problem

Typical voice of the customer projects are outdated and losing effectiveness.

WFH 👩🏻‍💻 and interruptive technologies 💬 are here to stay, driving employees to be more dissatisfied and disconnected than ever before.

The voice of the customer is powerful, but traditional delivery methods bury customer stories and underdeliver on the promise of VoC.

  • Newsletters

    Customer quotes can often be found in a weekly newsletter. While these quotes can be compelling, it’s difficult for a short quote to make a big impact, and they are buried amidst management updates, corporate goals and more. It is challenging to have a positive influence in an overflowing inbox full of stressful priorities.

  • Town Halls

    Town halls can bring the voice of the customer to life more effectively, but these meetings are only once a month or once a quarter, and their agendas are jam-packed with the news of the day and goals for the future. A successful VoC program has a more frequent, consistent, and personal connection to each employee.

  • Research Reports

    Research reports have the time and space to bring customers to life, but they are typically focused on a specific objective and are not shared with the entire organization. Even more common, a report collects dust and does not get the attention it deserves,

Oral storytelling has been the most powerful medium for centuries.

A story everyone has heard and can talk about together.


A story that brings the customer experience to life.


A story that gives empoyees’ work meaning.


A story that inspires new ideas across an organization.

Hispanic Americans on Soccer in the U.S.

A 15-minute custom, compelling voice of the customer podcast delivered to your employees each and every week.

Giving their work meaning

Hearing customer stories helps employees remember why their work matters and how it affects real people. However far removed from the customer they may be, they remember that their contribution makes a difference.

Getting close to the customer

Immersed in the customer’s life every week, employees begin to understand what is important to the customer, they see things from the customer’s perspective, and this in turn can inspire new and unexpected ideas.

Connecting with one another

Week after week, employees all hear the same stories and meet the same customers. This provides common ground for conversation, ideation, and brings teams closer together.

Invited to think bigger

Rendezvous gives employees a chance to step away from their desks, open their minds, hear from the customer firsthand, and think bigger. Employees feel empowered by leadership as they think beyond their day-to-day.

  • Weekly Episodes

    Good habits lead to real results. Every week, employees receive a compelling 15-minute episode to step away from their desks, think bigger, and hear the true, authentic voice of the customer.

  • Comments & Discussion

    As all employees begin to hear the same customer stories, they connect and bond with one another through the platform, sharing thoughts and ideas that bubble up as they listen to each episode.

  • Members-Only Access

    Exclusively for employees, these secure and private podcast episodes are an investment in employee satisfaction and peace of mind. A reminder that employees are making a difference.

  • Client-Branded Website

    The platform is designed to mirror and represent the company brand, bringing the voice of the customer and the company mission together in one place. This helps to remind employees why we’re all here.

  • Engagement Tracking

    You can’t manage what you can’t measure. Rendezvous monitors engagement to ensure episodes are providing value to employees, and metrics help us understand what employees find most compelling.

  • Qualitative Repository

    Over time, the collection of episodes becomes a library of customer interviews, easily revisited and repurposed when episodes are relevant to a new project or corporate need.

Our Values







How It Works

  • Rendezvous strategists and producers meet with client leaders to identify objectives, topics of interest, and desired style of the podcast. If you have any favorite podcasts, we can use them as inspiration.

  • Rendezvous strategists develop a discussion guide designed to collect compelling stories from customers. Stories can range widely in style and substance, from personal and emotional to hilarious and relatable.

  • Rendezvous strategists will conduct interviews with customers, prospects, experts, leaders to collect stories and content for the episodes.

  • Our strategists and producers work hand-in-hand to identify compelling audio clips that capture customer stories, craft a script, record VO, select music and edit the episodes.

  • Release episodes to employees on a regularly scheduled day and time through a members-only platform easily accessible via web and mobile.

  • Rendezvous strategists will monitor engagement metrics to ensure episodes are reaching employees and providing value. Employee commentary in the members-only platform will also help to identify the most compelling content and inform future content planning.

We’d love to work with you.

We believe deeply in the voice of the customer and all the good it can do, and we look forward to hearing from you.